Founded in 2013,
Creative Merchant is strategic brand consultancy that works alongside brand custodians to create connections that move consumers.

We Discover

By asking questions. Lots of them. Who are we? Who do we want to be? Where do we want to go? What’s the business idea? What’s our personality? Who’s going to buy us? Who are we competing with? What constitutes their world? What’s our tone of voice?

We Design

But before we design, we marry business strategy and consumer insights to arrive at a unique creative positioning for our clients. Having arrived at the core idea, we explore various creative routes, define the visual world, bring alive the various touch-points in the brand experience cycle.

We Execute

We make the brand come alive. We give it eyes, nose, ears, a heart. Or, in design language, a colour palette, typography set, tone of language. Simply put, a set of well thought through guidelines on how the brand should walk, talk, look and interact across mediums.

Meet the Brand Navigators

Founder & Creative Director

A visual problem solver, experienced in visual media creation using different technologies and domains for the last 15 years.Expertise in corporate branding to Online Promotion.

A self made businessman with an impressive track record of branding and design projects